Thursday Feb 01, 2024

A Personal and Professional Perspective with Beyond the Spectrum’s Executive Director Lora Carpenter

In this episode, we are speaking with Lora Carpenter, Executive Director of Beyond the Spectrum. Lora provides her perspective on being a parent of a special needs child, information she wishes she knew before, and how she uses her experience as a parent to inform her work as the Executive Director.


10:12 - Don't panic, development does not stop at a young age.

11:53 - Celebrate the small things, Success looks different for every student

12:59 - Everything won’t always be perfect, and that’s okay

23:46 - No two individuals with Autism are the same


00:00 - Lora Carpenter, Executive Director and Parent

03:30 - How have resources and interventions changed over time?

08:05 - What would you tell your past self with the information you have now?

12:45 - What misconceptions should families be aware of?

16:16 - What should someone consider when deciding a school for their student?

18:20 - What has been the most fulfilling project for you?

22:35 - What advice would you give to parents and caregivers?

25:00 - What advice would you give to families with neurotypical siblings?

29:50 - Closing advice

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